Trip Coda - My Big Break

 January 15, 2024

Needed to add this coda to the trip.  We arrived home safely on Saturday, January 6, 2024. I ran out quickly before snow really started falling to pick up accumulated mail at the Post Office and pick up a prescription for Carl at the local CVS. 

I came home, took off my coat and went to put Carl's medicine in the refrigerator. I stepped into the kitchen and my right foot stuck on the linoleum but I still had forward momentum and I fell, landing on my right leg and arm and banging my head on the corner of the refrigerator!  I broke my right wrist - both the radius & ulna bones. After a few minutes of trying to figure out how to get up off the floor without moving/using my right arm, I was able to get upright and Carl took me immediately to Urgent Care. X-rays confirmed the break (and no breaks in right leg although I've got lots of soft tissue damage/bruises) and I got splinted up for the weekend with a referral to orthopedics on Monday, Jan. 8, I also got an Rx for Vicodin to get through the weekend. It was a miserable weekend! Saw a PA at orthopedics on the 8th and she confrmed what I suspected - my wrist needed surgery!

Had surgery on Wednesday, Jan. 10 and now have a permanent plate on the volar (underside) side of my wrist.  I am scheduled to see the surgeon, Dr, Brandon Raudenbusch, for follow up on Jan. 25, at which time he'll probably put me in a hard cast for another 3-4 weeks. Can't start any physical therapy/rehab for the wrist likely until the end of February! Ugh! What a way to start the new year. Only bright spot is that this all happened AFTER our big trip!

Post wrist surgery - keeping arm elevated


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